
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"I fucking hate Kayla"

Today, I took the exit exam.. Well, the english part of it. & lemme tell you, it was the easiest shit I've ever taken ever. It was all this sixth grade shit. and I'm pretty confident in my score. Tomorrow, I take the math portion. I know that I'll do fine. I'm good.
The weirdest schedule ever, in the history of mankind. I mean, who goes to lunch at 11:15?! that's like a break before lunch. Anyhow, I went to lunch with Heather & Hailey, as usual. Faith totally hates me, and for the first time, I don't give a fuck. She can hate me, and talk shit about me and I don't give a flying fuck. Like, really. GET A LIFE. She wouldn't be the first person to hate me!
Sarah tried to run me over. little shit! hahaha, jkk.
She and I resolved things, and we're best friends againnnn :) yeeeyeeee! hahaha. I mean, you can't keep us apart for that long. SORRYYY.
Turn about is on Saturday, and I'm really excited!! I've got almost everything set for that day. I just gotta set up my make-up appointment, and i'll be all gravey. I think im getting my manicure & pedicure tomorrow. I think. I hope. Then I'm gettin' my shoes tomorrow too. well, damn its coming fastttt!! hahaha.
Game on Friday, vs. will c. wood. leaving at 4, as usual.
I believe my best friend are going to lunch before then, but we'll see what happens.

Life's gooooooooddddd, I can't complain!!!

All in God's hands

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