
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fuck Valentine's Day

Shooting a hundred freethrows is DEFINITELY NOT as easy as it sounds.
My Valentine's day consisted of waking up at 9:15 to go to my shootathon, staying out til about noon, looking for something good to cook for lunch, and sleeping.

As for life...
It's starting to ease up, and get better. I still have all that emotional baggage that most know I have, and I'm still learning how to overcome it, and be strong, but there are times when I can't take it. I really just have no idea of the right things to do. But trust me, I'll find them. Things with the girls are getting so much better! WOW, I feel like I'm getting back to what we were beforeee. & I'm glad. Lyssie and I are hella on that best friend status agaian, nothing really stopped us, we just drifted a little. and I realize that sports are temporary, and friends are forever. I mean HEY, alyssa & I are going to UCSB together, and we're gonna be roomies :) I'm 'cited. hahah. Kaila and I are getting to be really good friends, and I'm happy about it. She's a really nice girl, and hey. I'm down to make friends! speaking of her, she just texted me. haha.
School, I'm slackin.. Just gonna say it. I'm SLACKIN. The week thats coming up, I'm buckling down and focusing. I'm gonna be the 3.5 student at the end of this year. I swear!!
Basketball ends in a week, and I'm happy but at the same time, upset. I'm gonna miss my girls. We've spent so much time together, and I've made some really really amazing friendships and bonds with the girls. I'm gonna miss seeing them afterschool. ah, I'm gonna miss momma sara. she's my assistant coach, my rolemodel and my best friend on the bench. wow, and it's her last year. depressing...
Life at home can't get any more hard. I'm trying to have an attitude adjustment, but at the same time. my mom pushes my buttons. FUCK. hahaha.

I gotta write my paper. I'm tellin' you, I'm not slackin' no more!
I really want my something speciall...

All in God's hands

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