
Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today was pretty amazing.

I woke up at 9:30 cause my sister was watching tv, hellllla loud. I was suppose to go to church, but I had to clean the house, cause its sunday, and thats what I do on sunday mornings. It's like my way to get out of the house. I didn't do much, but make breakfast for me, my cousins, and my brother. My sister claimed to have eatten already, so who am I to force her to eat? haha Then I cleaned the kitchen, and the family room. It was a mess. Like a tornado hit the place. Told Azabelle to hit up Ashley's with me, and so we met at the corner of my street. I ate like 2137445789243 cupcakes today, cause my mom mad them last night and they were BOMB. haha Freakin' ashley got her phone taken away AGAIN for an F in geometry?! wtf? Then we hit up my house for a quick minute. ate some more cupcakes, and walked back up to her house. No one was home, so we had fun :) we ate all the crackers with cream cheese. We ran out of cream cheese so I sent Brian down to his house, and he brought back a tub. A BIG TUB. I forgot if he brought it back or not. haha
Then Ashley found freakin sushi wrap in the pantry, so we made spam misubi! I baked brownies, and they were the bomb! but we had no milk... but still, hellla yummy. then again, it was gone in a minute cause of the boys. I think we made 2 pitchers of Iced Tea, and they were both gone.
Chilled on the couch for hella long, and started talking about Doug :) For some reason, I told Ashley to go see if his car was outside, and it was. So we took a walk down the street to my house, and on the way there, passing Roberts, we saw Doug & Robert walking home. hahahahaha :) I took an EXPO marker and wrote on Doug's window. It was hella cute :) haha. We matched. But when he read it, he could only hang out with me for a little. He gave me a hug goodbye, and smelled sooooo good.
Could he & i actually work out?

All in God's hands

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