
Friday, December 26, 2008

The day After Christmas

So, I offically have to wait for next years Christmas. It's totally, and completely over.. *Sigh.. It wasn't the best year ever... But, I've learned a lot. and I'm gonna change the shit that isn't for me..

Lastnight, Austin & Azabelle invited me and my brother to go eat dinner with them. Then Austin & Azabelle decide to come sleepover. The night went VERY well. Snuck out a couple times, and it was AMAZING. hahaha.
Brian came over, and Azabelle tried to make rice.. yaaa.... NOT A SUCCESS.. hahaha

Day after Christmas was typical. Hung out with the boys. almost got jumped. went home. to walmart. to jamba. to kaiser.
the end

All in God's Hands

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