
Sunday, April 5, 2009


Today was fuuuuunn :)
I got home around 4 from Grandpa's house. And the passion play was around 7:30 so I had time to linger and shit. Everyone knows I hate being late, & we were late, but I didn't mind, we got there. and lemme tell you. it was freaking amazing. I saw Duane & Jeremy at the play. The play was wonderful. It makes me hella realize that I'm not in this thing called life, alone. It makes me realize that God is good, and he is there. he does listen to me. when i cry, when i'm angry, when i'm happy. he listens. He is my number one, my rock, my everything and I plan on building such a better relationship with him. I'm ready, and I'm determined. I'm so thankful for everything I'm blessed with.
As for life...
in about 2 weeks, its going to be my 4 month anniversary. hmm, that's hella deep. I love him, with everything I am, and ever will be. I honestly believe that he's the best thing that's happened to me.

Goals for the week:
  • Get an attitude adjustment, i'm startin' to slip again.
  • Get homework and shit in line, no slackin.
  • Start to build a closer relationship with god.
  • Be me and do what makes me happy.
life's goooood :)

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